Sunday, October 10, 2010

Read an online novel. A story about between two people. The credits go to the writer for making it simply so sweet and nice.

Propose kat depan sunset, then tulis on sand, sweet perh? Awwhh.... What else does a girl hope for a happy ending of her love story..? Right? But love story between two people can be just so sad, sometimes. But well, as I said, LIFE is a path of leaning new things. What do you expect then?

and as for me, I guess, I just wait for my love story to be a happy ending. Wait till it reaches the '..and they lived happily ever after..' coz I know and I believe that Life is always a fairytale. Well, to me at least. Anyways, it does depend on how people think it is. So, do make ur one and only life sweet and fun. Enjoying every lil moments of it together with your beloved ones. Family.Cousins.Friends.Soulmate.Colleagues.Enemies as well.


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